
27 Oct 2016
John Riverson, Mika Kunieda, Peter Roberts, Negede Lewi and Wendy M. Walker, 2005: Paper describes steps which are being taken by the World Bank to improve the effective meeting of gender needs in transport, summarizing examples of good practice and illustrating their application in Ethiopia.
12 Oct 2016
CGIAR/International Agricultural Research Center in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), 2014: Report from a training workshop covering the practical, technical and analytical aspects of gender mainstreaming in dryland agriculture, as well as lessons learned for consideration in future trainings.
21 Sep 2016
Ethiopia Ministry of Water Resources and Women’s Affairs Department, 2005: Manual enables regional water sector personnel to easily understand and optimally utilize the gender equality perspective in their day-today operations. It presents gender analysis tools and mainstreaming methodologies to facilitate gender sensitive development in the sector.