
21 Sep 2016
Gender and Water Alliance, 2011: A participatory gender scan methodology guides utility staff to determine the level of gender mainstreaming inside and outside of their utilities by using objective data and staff perceptions of the achievement of gender equality. It should be used as a tool for achieving long-term overarching targets and goals for improving gender mainstreaming.
21 Sep 2016
Gender and Water Alliance/Rwanda Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, 2007: Manuel provides participatory gender-sensitive training for water professionals at the policy, project and administrative levels through building their capacity for mainstreaming gender into WASH programs.
21 Sep 2016
Gender and Water Alliance, 2003: Training package provides a detailed account of the gender approach in integrated water resources management for managers, planners and trainers who are concerned with policy development and implementation of integrated water resources management programs and projects.
TYPE: Training
12 Sep 2016
Gender and Water Alliance/UNDP, 2006: Compilation of newer resources – documents, papers, books, case studies, tools and toolkits – on gender mainstreaming in Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) to assist water and gender practitioners and professionals as well as persons responsible for gender mainstreaming