
News | 13 February 2017

GenderInSITE to collaborate with ICSU and ISSC to look at gender in international scientific research production and coordination

On February 7-8, GenderInSITE organized a workshop in Trieste, Italy with the International Council for Science (ICSU) and the International Social Science Council (ISSC) to explore the gender dimension within large international scientific research production and coordination initiatives, and to have initial discussions about producing a report on this subject, also in collaboration with the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex.  From the ICSU notice about the workshop,

The workshop looked at conceptual frameworks such as the Pathways approach to applying a gender lens to international research initiatives. Also discussed were current best practices by international organizations and individual experiences of women scientists in leadership positions.

Highlighted among these best practices were the activities of the ICSU Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) including the 2016 Women of the Antarctic Wikibomb, the INASP GenderMainstreaming in Higher Education Toolkit, and SciDevNet's free online course Integrate gender into your scientific research and GenPort.

[The follow- report] is currently under order to highlight current pathways – and related barriers and challenges – from the individual and institutional perspectives towards furthering application for the gender lens in the production and coordination of scientific research.  This report will explore how gender has been and can be incorporated into large international scientific research production and coordination.