
12 Oct 2016
European Institute for Gender Equality, 2014: Publication summarises the findings of the in-depth study of gender-equality training performed in the framework of EIGE’s 2-year project, Gender Training in the European Union; it looks at the preconditions and factors contributing to effective delivery of training on gender equality.
TYPE: Training
12 Oct 2016
CGIAR/International Agricultural Research Center in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), 2014: Report from a training workshop covering the practical, technical and analytical aspects of gender mainstreaming in dryland agriculture, as well as lessons learned for consideration in future trainings.
23 Sep 2016
UNDP, 2014: Series of policy briefs and training modules on gender and climate change for practitioners and policy makers in Africa with themes of specific relevance to Africa, including a general overview of climate change issues, adaptation, agriculture and food security, equitable energy access, and climate finance.
22 Sep 2016
ENERGIA: Online course designed to be used as part of the capacity building efforts in both the Africa and Asia regions, consisting of four elements: 1) What is Gender? 2) What is Energy? 3) The significance of gender in energy interventions and 4) Energy projects and women
22 Sep 2016
UNDP, 2007: Manual examines environment and energy development projects, policies and decision-making processes from a gender perspective. Written for UNDP staff working with national counterparts in governments and NGOs, it can also be used by other development practitioners working in the field of environment and energy.
21 Sep 2016
Ethiopia Ministry of Water Resources and Women’s Affairs Department, 2005: Manual enables regional water sector personnel to easily understand and optimally utilize the gender equality perspective in their day-today operations. It presents gender analysis tools and mainstreaming methodologies to facilitate gender sensitive development in the sector.
21 Sep 2016
Gender and Water Alliance/Rwanda Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion, 2007: Manuel provides participatory gender-sensitive training for water professionals at the policy, project and administrative levels through building their capacity for mainstreaming gender into WASH programs.
21 Sep 2016
Gender and Water Alliance, 2003: Training package provides a detailed account of the gender approach in integrated water resources management for managers, planners and trainers who are concerned with policy development and implementation of integrated water resources management programs and projects.
TYPE: Training
20 Sep 2016
Tools for Change in STEM: A series of online workshops for to help universities retain women scientists, including workshops on best practices for family friendly policies and on individual strategies for women navigating workplaces that are shaped by implicit bias.
TYPE: Training
20 Sep 2016
UNESCO: A collection of tools to provide practical guidance and useful definitions that serve as a basis for effective mainstreaming of gender equality for any government staff or individual working in civil society organizations.
19 Sep 2016
UNESCO, 2006: Module provides counselling and guidance materials covering science education, depicting the overall picture of women in science including beliefs, attitudes, cultural and societal pressures, together with examples of famous female scientists. It provides career guidance tools as well as ways to reduce the under-representation and under-achievement of girls in STEM.
TYPE: Training